Vocabulary from Classical Roots Package B

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Vocabulary from Classical Roots teaches junior and senior high school students words derived from the most important Greek and Latin roots. Each lesson introduces up to fifteen words derived from two or more classical roots. A dictionary-like format provides all the necessary information, including related forms of the word and sentences illustrating each word's correct usage.

Challenging exercises help students master the vocabulary they need to read works of literature and prepare for SATs. Exercises based on synonyms, antonyms, analogies, contextual vocabulary and sentence completions not only test students' mastery of definitions but also develop their familiarity with the format of comparable items. 

The new and expanded Teacher's Guide and Answer Key provides scaffolding for individual learning needs and helps students access prior knowledge and make connections to new learning. It also offers a variety of activities that can be adapted for whole-class, small group, or independent learning situations. This book presents teachers with a practical and effective method for teaching vocabulary through classical roots, even when that background is not part of the teacher's own experience.


  • Lesson-by-lesson support for group instruction and discussion
  • Strategies for making connections between roots, familiar words, and key works
  • Blackline masters to reinforce key words from each lesson
  • Additional review activities
  • Vocabulary games and word-learning strategies
  • Glossary of literary and historical references
  • Answer key

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