Why do we have Bibles in our own language everywhere? Why is the Gospel preached from the depths of Africa to the remotest parts of the Himalayas? It is because heroes of the faith gave their lives to bring the Word of God to the world.
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The Reformation was an era with many examples of remarkable faithfulness, courage, and learning. However, few Christians today are familiar with their spiritual ancestors, the men who are responsible not only for much of our current understanding of the Bible and the Christian gospel, but also for the massive explosion of the Gospel all over the world today. If we want to continue to bear witness to the truth as faithfully as our fathers in the faith, we need to know their stories. Hannula's book includes thirty short, but profound stories of Reformation-era courage. They can easily be read aloud to children or used by homeschoolers as part of their curriculum. Additionally, this book includes an overview of key events in the Reformation, a detailed Timeline from 1516 to 1598, seven short summaries of Reformation Basics, and comprehension questions and answers on all thirty biographies.
You can purchase this as an audiobook here or on Audible.*
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What People Are Saying:
"Richard Hannula has an eye for personal heroism and a flair for writing simply and vividly about it. Here he spotlights thirty Reformation stalwarts who gave their lives, all metaphorically, a number literally, to advance the gospel, make Christ known and save souls. From start to finish, a gripping read." -J.I. Packer, Professor of Theology, Regent College
"These lively and engaging biographical vignettes stretch from the forerunners of the Reformation like John Wycliffe to the great Scottish reformer John Knox. In an age of unworthy anti-heroes, here is a treasure trove of true heroes for children and parents alike." -Terry L. Johnson, Senior Minister, Independent Presbyterian Church
"With engaging style, Heralds of the Reformation vividly portrays the outpouring of the Spirit of God as men, women and children rediscovered salvation by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ." -Ron Bergey, Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, John Calvin Seminary
Richard M. Hannula is the principal of Covenant High School in Tacoma, Washington. He is also the author of Radiant: Fifty Remarkable Women in Church History, Our Northwest Heritage, and Trial and Triumph. He and his wife Kathy raised four daughters and a son and have a growing number of grandchildren.
PAGE COUNT: 286 pages
SIZE: 6x9"
BINDING: Paperback
ISBN-10: 1944503463
ISBN-13: 9781944503468
PUB. DATE: July 5, 2016